I’m using helm to deploy, that’s it’s how I manage different envs so all uses the same config with different values related to the application itself. I think I understand what you mean, but I’m getting totally different behavior on the env I recently updated to 1.4.2 and it’s giving correctly http with 200 instead of http2 that it’s giving 404. That’s makes me feel really confused. I going to sleep and give another try tomorrow, maybe I see something I miss today.
I really appreciate your help, I’ll will keep this updated of any update.
Its there any conflict when uses different gateways with a mix of HTTP and HTTP2 ? I think the problem was that.
At the beginning I had multiple applications with HTTP2 but then when I have to change one to HTTP from a requirement, every thing started to fail with 404. I just changed all of them to HTTP and seems the problem it’s solved.
Yah, that should be a problem - multiple gateways cannot share one port with different protos.
I suggest using istioctl x analyze -k
or better Kiali
P.S. as I sad previously istio documentation states that gateway resource must b located in the same namespace as istio-ingressgaeway pod (istio-system by default)
And in VirtualService this must be referenced as: