Authorization policy clarification for operation.hosts and rules logic


I’m fairly new to istio and I’ve been testing authorization polices and would like to confirm the following:

  1. Can I use k8s service names as shown below where is the service name for deployment/workload httpbin:
   - to:
     - operation:
         hosts: [""]
  1. Are the rules.from and applied with AND logic? For example, for the following rules with no selector, Is the rule meant to only ALLOW access to the service from service account sleep in foo namespace?
  - from:
    - source:
        principals: ["cluster.local/ns/foo/sa/sleep"]
  - to:
    - operation:
        hosts: [""]

I ask this because, I setup 2 services and and access was granted to

  1. yes, you can use the k8s service name in the host field but please be noted it depends on what host is set in the HTTP request by your workload, the request will be rejected if it’s not matched with the one used in the authorization policy.

  2. Multiple rules are OR-ed together (not AND).