Istio upgrade failed for 1.7 to 1.8

When we tried to do canary model upgrade, we are getting below error.

./istioctl8 install --set revision=1-8 --set profile=default -f /home/admin/upgrade/iop.yml

Error: failed to get profile and enabled components: failed to read profile: unknown field “telemetry” in v1alpha1.IstioComponentSetSpec:

Where the /home/admin/upgrade/iop.yml is the exported iop installed-state yaml file from the existing istio version 1.73

kubectl -n istio-system get iop installed-state-install -o yaml > /home/admin/upgrade/iop.yml

After this, I removed the components telemetry and policy copletely form the exported iops-installedstate yaml file and again tried to execute the new controlplane creation command for the canary upgrade. But this time the error is strange.

./istioctl8 install --set revision=1-8 --set profile=default -f /home/admin/upgrade/iop__nopol_notelim.yml

Error: failed to get profile and enabled components: failed to read profile: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type map[string]json.RawMessage: