I’m new in Istio and I have a problem with configuration timeout and retries. I have two apps:
- Pizza-sender
- Pizza-receiver
Pizza sender generate load and sending data to pizza-receiver. Each application comunicate to each other and sendindg status 200 when pizza is sended corectly. I try to enforce timeout by adding delay 10s to pizza-receiver app. After creating virtual service with timeout 1s I expect that istio will terminate the app but it doesnt. I implement VR:
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: VirtualService
name: pizza-receiver
- pizza-receiver
http: - route:
- destination:
host: pizza-receiver
timeout: 1s
- destination:
I try lots of settings but still I can not enforce timeout. Can somebody help me to set it?
Thank you!