Do I need to manually bind Gateway port number?


I installed istio in my k8s environment with default profile. (./istioctl manifest apply)

After it is running and I tried the tcp-echo sample. I applied the tcp-echo-services.yaml, tcp-echo-all-v1.yaml and followed the tcp-traffic-shifting to do some test.

But I find that the port 31400 is not up and listed in the istio-ingressgateway service of isitio-system namespace. Do I need to modify this service and manually add it? Or it is supposed to be automatically added?


Roderic Liu

Have you perfomed these steps for ingress config?

I’m not familiar with istioctl manifest yet, but with helm chart you have to add port 31400 to gateway.istio-ingressgateway.ports field. :slight_smile:

Anyone knows how istio supports tcp-echo deploy with multi pods? I can only get one pod working with tcp. Very strange.