March 17, 2019, 2:27pm
Hi all,
I installed Istio 1.0.6 on VMware PKS cluster using yaml file.
kubectl apply -f istio-demo-auth.yaml
But after deployment, the grafana pod do not show up in istio-system namespace. Other pods are deplyoyed and running well.
When I see the log, it is written that Grafana pod is deployed.
Any idea about this?
Thank you.
Check the Grafana deployment description to see if it gives a hint.
March 18, 2019, 8:28am
I can’t describe grafana pod since the grafana pod didn’t show up at kubectl get pods.
Is there any other logs to be shown?
Thank you.
I meant kubectl describe deployment...
There are cases that pods aren’t being launch and the deployment itself has the reason(s) within its description.