Ingress Gateway as a Load Balancer in a non Cloud Environment

Hello, I’ am having a issue related to Istio’s configuration. I have a local server which is running a Kubernetes 1.17.2 with Istio 1.4.4 and I managed to configure it properly. One of my pods have a webserver which I can access to it throught the Ingress Gateway. The problem is that in order to use the ingress Gateway , all of my virtual hosts need to be especified the following ports: HTTP/31380 and HTTPS/31390. So for instance:

I want to access to instead of which is very tedious, especially because I have a lot of Virtual Hosts and it would be a big difference in the Development enviroment in comparision to Production environment (implemented in GCP).

Is there any way that I can use the Ingress Gateway as a Load Balancer in a non Cloud Environment (Local Server) ?