Installing from Helm and certmanager


The certmanager option does not appear in the default values.yaml for the latest istio Helm chart. If I just add
certmanager: enabled: true

Will that enabled certmanager?

Also, what is the “schema” for the helm chart config values?

try looking down a level in the certmanager subchart. Still this is a bug - could you file a defect?

The “schema” is all globals, as well as enable/disable flags go in the top level values.yaml. Everything else goes in the subcharts.

The configuration is the same

–set certmanager.enabled=trrue as a helm flag. Also don’t forget to pass --set certmanager.enabled=true to the istio-init helm chart if your using that technique.


Hey sdake,

Thanks for the reply. Can I configure the sub-charts from the top level values.yaml? If so, what does that look like?

Will file defect.


Feel free to call me Steve. To configure subchart values, just take the subchart name ad the key,value pair and include that in your custom.yaml you pass to istio:



enabled: true

createMeshPolicy: false

Gotcha. I can just next them in the associated section. createMeshPolicy belongs to the security chart so I can put that under the security section of the config and it will apply to that sub-chart.


Another option is to use --set security.createMeshPolicy=enabled, but this becomes unwieldy quickly as you change more defaults. Using a values file is the way to go (–values flag to helm).

