Installing Istio 1.6.0 GKE

Hi Guys,

I’ve tried to install istio 1.6.0 with some custom options and I got the errors bellow:

[user01#myhost istio-1.6.0]$ gcloud container clusters list
acme01  southamerica-east1  1.15.11-gke.13  XX.XXX.XXX.XXX  n1-standard-2  1.15.11-gke.13  2          RUNNING
[user01#myhost istio-1.6.0]$ kubectl create namespace istio-system
namespace/istio-system created
[user01#myhost istio-1.6.0]$ istioctl manifest apply \
> --set values.grafana.enabled=true \
> --set values.kiali.enabled=true \
> --set values.kiali.createDemoSecret=true \
> --set "values.kiali.dashboard.jaegerURL=http://jaeger-query:16686" \
> --set "values.kiali.dashboard.grafanaURL=http://grafana:3000" \
> --set values.tracing.enabled=true \
> --set values.gateways.istio-ingressgateway.sds.enabled=true 
✔ Istio core installed                                                                                                                                                         
✔ Istiod installed                                                                                                                                                             
✔ Ingress gateways installed                                                                                                                                                   
2020-05-24T19:46:33.073124Z     error   installer       failed to create "PeerAuthentication/istio-system/grafana-ports-mtls-disabled": Timeout: request did not complete within requested timeout 30s
✘ Addons encountered an error: failed to create "PeerAuthentication/istio-system/grafana-ports-mtls-disabled": Timeout: request did not complete within requested timeout 30s  
- Pruning removed resources                                                                                                                                                      Pruned object ClusterRole::istio-mixer-istio-system.
  Pruned object ClusterRoleBinding::istio-mixer-admin-role-binding-istio-system.
Error: failed to apply manifests: errors occurred during operation

Hi Guys,

Problem solved! My cluster was private and it was necessary to open port tcp/15017.
After I have this port opened everything went well and All components worked as expected.

Get master firewall rule

gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="name~<CLUSTER-NAME>-[0-9a-z]*-master"         

Include tcp/15017 port

gcloud compute firewall-rules update <FIREWALL-RULE> --allow tcp:10250,tcp:443,tcp:15017