Issues with Multicluster on 1.7.3


After trying to upgrade a v1.17 Kubernetes multicluster setup, which was running on istio 1.5.1, to version 1.7.3 i started to see some problems regarding Raw TCP services running across multicluster.
I followed the upgrade steps recommended by Istio, but somehow Raw TCP services seem to be failing.

We are running two simple services on cluster2:

  1. Python server running a SimpleHTTPServer;
  2. Netcat listener

The services are configured as follows:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: python-multicluster-test
  namespace: default
    app: python-multicluster-test
    - name: http-python
      protocol: TCP
      port: 8000
      targetPort: 8000
    app: python-multicluster-test
  type: ClusterIP
  sessionAffinity: None
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: istio-multicluster-test
  namespace: default
    - name: tcp-nc
      protocol: TCP
      port: 7000
      targetPort: 7000
    app: istio-multicluster-test
  type: ClusterIP

Both clusters are provisioned with the following IstioOperator CR:

kind: IstioOperator
  name: istio-controlplane
  namespace: istio-system
      enabled: true
      enabled: true
      enabled: true
      enabled: true
    accessLogEncoding: JSON
  profile: default
          enabled: true
      controlPlaneSecurityEnabled: true
        enabled: true
        - global

On Cluster1 i have the following ServiceEntries:

kind: ServiceEntry
  name: istio-multicluster-test-se
  namespace: default
    - address: <REDACTED>
        netcat: 31912
  location: MESH_INTERNAL
    - name: netcat
      number: 7000
      protocol: TCP
  resolution: DNS
kind: ServiceEntry
  name: python-multicluster-test-se
  namespace: default
    - address: <REDACTED>
        http1: 31912
  location: MESH_INTERNAL
    - name: http1
      number: 8000
      protocol: TCP
  resolution: DNS

Following the bug reported in Replicated control planes regression bug · Issue #27909 · istio/istio · GitHub i had to edit multicluster ingress gateway EnvoyFilter, in order to enable the correct rewrite that transforms the *.global domain in *.svc.cluster.local.

When trying to connect from cluster1 to cluster 2’s istio-multicluster-test-se, we are having TCP RSTs. IngressGateway logs show the following behavior:

2020-10-27T16:27:20.652671Z debug envoy filter tls inspector: new connection accepted
2020-10-27T16:27:20.652741Z trace envoy filter tls inspector: recv: -1
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653023Z trace envoy filter tls inspector: recv: 6596
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653113Z debug envoy filter tls:onServerName(), requestedServerName:
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653140Z trace envoy filter tls inspector: done: true
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653264Z debug envoy filter [C8190] new tcp proxy session
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653292Z trace envoy connection [C8190] readDisable: disable=true disable_count=0 state=0 buffer_length=0
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653315Z trace envoy filter [C8190] sni_cluster: new connection with server name outbound
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653331Z trace envoy filter [C8190] tcp_cluster_rewrite: new connection with server name outbound
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653357Z trace envoy filter [C8190] tcp_cluster_rewrite: final tcp proxy cluster name outbound
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653421Z debug envoy filter [C8190] Creating connection to cluster outbound
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653465Z debug envoy pool creating a new connection
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653534Z debug envoy pool [C8191] connecting
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653563Z debug envoy connection [C8191] connecting to
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653729Z debug envoy connection [C8191] connection in progress
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653778Z debug envoy pool queueing request due to no available connections
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653791Z debug envoy conn_handler [C8190] new connection
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653800Z trace envoy main item added to deferred deletion list (size=1)
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653809Z trace envoy main clearing deferred deletion list (size=1)
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653828Z trace envoy connection [C8190] socket event: 2
2020-10-27T16:27:20.653834Z trace envoy connection [C8190] write ready
2020-10-27T16:27:20.655909Z trace envoy connection [C8191] socket event: 2
2020-10-27T16:27:20.655952Z trace envoy connection [C8191] write ready
2020-10-27T16:27:20.655966Z debug envoy connection [C8191] connected
2020-10-27T16:27:20.655979Z debug envoy pool [C8191] assigning connection
2020-10-27T16:27:20.655995Z trace envoy connection [C8190] readDisable: disable=false disable_count=1 state=0 buffer_length=0
2020-10-27T16:27:20.656019Z debug envoy filter TCP:onUpstreamEvent(), requestedServerName: outbound
2020-10-27T16:27:20.656047Z trace envoy connection [C8190] socket event: 3
2020-10-27T16:27:20.656054Z trace envoy connection [C8190] write ready
2020-10-27T16:27:20.656061Z trace envoy connection [C8190] read ready. dispatch_buffered_data=false
2020-10-27T16:27:20.656100Z trace envoy connection [C8190] read returns: 6596
2020-10-27T16:27:20.656135Z trace envoy connection [C8190] read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
2020-10-27T16:27:20.656161Z trace envoy filter [C8190] downstream connection received 6596 bytes, end_stream=false
2020-10-27T16:27:20.656171Z trace envoy filter Alpn Protocol Not Found. Expected istio-peer-exchange, Got

At first, i thought that there might be something wrong with the ALPN filter, but when i tried to connect to the service python-multicluster-test-se, the logs seem to be pretty similar, though, the connection isn’t dropped, and i get a correct response in cluster1. The following logs show this behavior:

2020-10-27T16:29:07.557939Z debug envoy filter tls inspector: new connection accepted
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558023Z trace envoy filter tls inspector: recv: 6597
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558125Z debug envoy filter tls:onServerName(), requestedServerName:
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558264Z debug envoy filter [C8245] new tcp proxy session
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558292Z trace envoy connection [C8245] readDisable: disable=true disable_count=0 state=0 buffer_length=0
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558316Z trace envoy filter [C8245] sni_cluster: new connection with server name outbound
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558334Z trace envoy filter [C8245] tcp_cluster_rewrite: new connection with server name outbound
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558361Z trace envoy filter [C8245] tcp_cluster_rewrite: final tcp proxy cluster name outbound
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558409Z debug envoy filter [C8245] Creating connection to cluster outbound
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558459Z debug envoy pool creating a new connection
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558542Z debug envoy pool [C8246] connecting
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558559Z debug envoy connection [C8246] connecting to
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558879Z debug envoy connection [C8246] connection in progress
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558972Z debug envoy pool queueing request due to no available connections
2020-10-27T16:29:07.558987Z debug envoy conn_handler [C8245] new connection
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559037Z trace envoy connection [C8245] socket event: 2
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559046Z trace envoy connection [C8245] write ready
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559053Z trace envoy connection [C8246] socket event: 2
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559059Z trace envoy connection [C8246] write ready
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559069Z debug envoy connection [C8246] connected
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559079Z debug envoy pool [C8246] assigning connection
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559094Z trace envoy connection [C8245] readDisable: disable=false disable_count=1 state=0 buffer_length=0
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559113Z debug envoy filter TCP:onUpstreamEvent(), requestedServerName: outbound
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559136Z trace envoy connection [C8245] socket event: 3
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559143Z trace envoy connection [C8245] write ready
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559149Z trace envoy connection [C8245] read ready. dispatch_buffered_data=false
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559177Z trace envoy connection [C8245] read returns: 6597
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559201Z trace envoy connection [C8245] read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559216Z trace envoy filter [C8245] downstream connection received 6597 bytes, end_stream=false
2020-10-27T16:29:07.559230Z trace envoy filter Alpn Protocol Not Found. Expected istio-peer-exchange, Got

The cluster configuration extracted from the config_dumps on the ingressgateway are the following:

     "version_info": "2020-10-27T11:20:25Z/13",
     "cluster": {
      "@type": "",
      "name": "outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local",
      "type": "EDS",
      "eds_cluster_config": {
       "eds_config": {
        "ads": {},
        "resource_api_version": "V3"
       "service_name": "outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local"
      "connect_timeout": "10s",
      "circuit_breakers": {
       "thresholds": [
         "max_connections": 4294967295,
         "max_pending_requests": 4294967295,
         "max_requests": 4294967295,
         "max_retries": 4294967295
      "filters": [
        "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
        "typed_config": {
         "@type": "",
         "type_url": "",
         "value": {
          "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"
      "transport_socket_matches": [
        "name": "tlsMode-istio",
        "match": {
         "tlsMode": "istio"
        "transport_socket": {
         "name": "envoy.transport_sockets.tls",
         "typed_config": {
          "@type": "",
          "common_tls_context": {
           "alpn_protocols": [
           "tls_certificate_sds_secret_configs": [
             "name": "default",
             "sds_config": {
              "api_config_source": {
               "api_type": "GRPC",
               "grpc_services": [
                 "envoy_grpc": {
                  "cluster_name": "sds-grpc"
               "transport_api_version": "V3"
              "initial_fetch_timeout": "0s",
              "resource_api_version": "V3"
           "combined_validation_context": {
            "default_validation_context": {
             "match_subject_alt_names": [
               "exact": "spiffe://cluster.local/ns/default/sa/default"
            "validation_context_sds_secret_config": {
             "name": "ROOTCA",
             "sds_config": {
              "api_config_source": {
               "api_type": "GRPC",
               "grpc_services": [
                 "envoy_grpc": {
                  "cluster_name": "sds-grpc"
               "transport_api_version": "V3"
              "initial_fetch_timeout": "0s",
              "resource_api_version": "V3"
          "sni": "outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local"
        "name": "tlsMode-disabled",
        "match": {},
        "transport_socket": {
         "name": "envoy.transport_sockets.raw_buffer"
     "last_updated": "2020-10-27T11:55:13.237Z"
     "version_info": "2020-10-27T15:58:01Z/17",
     "cluster": {
      "@type": "",
      "name": "outbound|8000||python-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local",
      "type": "EDS",
      "eds_cluster_config": {
       "eds_config": {
        "ads": {},
        "resource_api_version": "V3"
       "service_name": "outbound|8000||python-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local"
      "connect_timeout": "10s",
      "circuit_breakers": {
       "thresholds": [
         "max_connections": 4294967295,
         "max_pending_requests": 4294967295,
         "max_requests": 4294967295,
         "max_retries": 4294967295
      "filters": [
        "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
        "typed_config": {
         "@type": "",
         "type_url": "",
         "value": {
          "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"
      "transport_socket_matches": [
        "name": "tlsMode-istio",
        "match": {
         "tlsMode": "istio"
        "transport_socket": {
         "name": "envoy.transport_sockets.tls",
         "typed_config": {
          "@type": "",
          "common_tls_context": {
           "alpn_protocols": [
           "tls_certificate_sds_secret_configs": [
             "name": "default",
             "sds_config": {
              "api_config_source": {
               "api_type": "GRPC",
               "grpc_services": [
                 "envoy_grpc": {
                  "cluster_name": "sds-grpc"
               "transport_api_version": "V3"
              "initial_fetch_timeout": "0s",
              "resource_api_version": "V3"
           "combined_validation_context": {
            "default_validation_context": {
             "match_subject_alt_names": [
               "exact": "spiffe://cluster.local/ns/default/sa/default"
            "validation_context_sds_secret_config": {
             "name": "ROOTCA",
             "sds_config": {
              "api_config_source": {
               "api_type": "GRPC",
               "grpc_services": [
                 "envoy_grpc": {
                  "cluster_name": "sds-grpc"
               "transport_api_version": "V3"
              "initial_fetch_timeout": "0s",
              "resource_api_version": "V3"
          "sni": "outbound_.8000_._.python-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local"
        "name": "tlsMode-disabled",
        "match": {},
        "transport_socket": {
         "name": "envoy.transport_sockets.raw_buffer"
     "last_updated": "2020-10-27T15:58:01.465Z"

Was there any regression regarding TCP multicluster services? At this point i am stuck, with little ideas… I have even purged old versions and tried a clean install of 1.7.3 versions.
Has anyone else experienced similar problems?

Thank You

Do you see this anywhere in your logs?

“Could not find the service requested”

A search for something like that, returns nothing in the ingressgateway logs, though i can see something like this:

2020-10-27T16:27:21.906852Z	trace	envoy upstream	Local locality: 183412668: "envoy.api.v2.core.Locality"

2020-10-27T16:27:21.907272Z	debug	envoy upstream	membership update for TLS cluster outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local added 0 removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.907363Z	debug	envoy upstream	membership update for TLS cluster outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local added 0 removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.907430Z	debug	envoy upstream	removing hosts for TLS cluster outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.907463Z	debug	envoy upstream	removing hosts for TLS cluster outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.907479Z	debug	envoy config	gRPC config for accepted with 1 resources with version 2020-10-27T15:58:01Z/17
2020-10-27T16:27:21.907537Z	debug	envoy upstream	EDS hosts or locality weights changed for cluster: outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local current hosts 1 priority 0
2020-10-27T16:27:21.907559Z	trace	envoy upstream	Local locality: 183412668: "envoy.api.v2.core.Locality"

2020-10-27T16:27:21.907636Z	debug	envoy upstream	membership update for TLS cluster outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local added 0 removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.907682Z	debug	envoy upstream	membership update for TLS cluster outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local added 0 removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.907736Z	debug	envoy upstream	removing hosts for TLS cluster outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.907768Z	debug	envoy upstream	removing hosts for TLS cluster outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.907782Z	debug	envoy config	gRPC config for accepted with 1 resources with version 2020-10-27T15:58:01Z/17
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908417Z	debug	envoy upstream	membership update for TLS cluster outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local added 0 removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908484Z	debug	envoy upstream	removing hosts for TLS cluster outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908512Z	debug	envoy upstream	membership update for TLS cluster outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local added 0 removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908556Z	debug	envoy upstream	removing hosts for TLS cluster outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908619Z	debug	envoy upstream	membership update for TLS cluster outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local added 0 removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908648Z	debug	envoy upstream	removing hosts for TLS cluster outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908675Z	debug	envoy upstream	membership update for TLS cluster outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local added 0 removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908697Z	debug	envoy upstream	removing hosts for TLS cluster outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908750Z	debug	envoy upstream	membership update for TLS cluster outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local added 0 removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908782Z	debug	envoy upstream	removing hosts for TLS cluster outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908799Z	trace	envoy main	item added to deferred deletion list (size=1)
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908816Z	debug	envoy upstream	membership update for TLS cluster outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local added 0 removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908856Z	debug	envoy upstream	removing hosts for TLS cluster outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local removed 1
2020-10-27T16:27:21.908887Z	trace	envoy main	clearing deferred deletion list (size=1)
2020-10-27T16:27:21.910986Z	trace	envoy config	Sending DiscoveryRequest for version_info: "2020-10-27T15:58:01Z/17"
node {
  id: "router~"
  cluster: "istio-ingressgateway"
  metadata {
fields {
  key: "CLUSTER_ID"
  value {
    string_value: "Kubernetes"
fields {
  value {
fields {
  value {
    string_value: ""
fields {
  value {
    string_value: "istio-proxy:dc78069b10cc94fa07bb974b7101dd1b42e2e7bf"
fields {
  value {
    string_value: "1.7.3"
resource_names: "outbound_.8000_._.python-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local"
resource_names: "outbound|8000||python-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local"
resource_names: "outbound_.7000_._.istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local"
resource_names: "outbound|7000||istio-multicluster-test.default.svc.cluster.local"

So I’m tracking an issue that seems similar to yours. I’m on 1.4.6 and it’s using istio-coredns-plugin and occasionally it fails to resolve a address and then nanoseconds later it resolves. This results in 503s to the front-end. So if you can dig into whatever in istiod is handling istio-coredns now it might shed some light on this. I know in 1.8 they’ve decided to package their own caching DNS proxy. Also, they’ve announced they are doing away with .global namespaces in favor of some svc.local magic. I think this all really means it doesn’t work quite as well as planned…

Thank you Johnathan, but i don’t think the problem resides on the istiocoredns plugin… Name resolution seems to be working ok, since that for each connection attempt on cluster1 i always reach cluster2. This applies to both services. The problem seems to affect only Raw TCP sockets.

After some more debugging, and looking at the listeners/clusters/routes and endpoints tables from the listening Pod on cluster1 i found the following on the pod’s listener table:

ADDRESS        PORT  MATCH                                      DESTINATION
... 7000  ALL                                        Cluster: outbound|7000||netcat.default.svc.cluster.local       -> Listener Local service IP 
...     7000  ALL                                        Cluster: outbound|7000|| -> Seems to be the ServiceEntry IP on cluster2. I believe this listener is being fetched since i created a Service account on cluster2 which is accessible from istiod pod on cluster1    ...        15001 ALL                                        PassthroughCluster        15006 Trans: tls; App: HTTP TLS; Addr: Inline Route: /*        15006 App: HTTP; Addr:                 Inline Route: /*        15006 Trans: tls; App: TCP TLS; Addr:  InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4        15006 Addr:                            InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4        15006 App: TCP TLS                               Cluster: inbound|7000|tcp-netcat|netcat.default.svc.cluster.local        15006 ALL                                        Cluster: inbound|7000|tcp-netcat|netcat.default.svc.cluster.local

I noticed the following listener:        15006 App: TCP TLS                               Cluster: inbound|7000|tcp-netcat|netcat.default.svc.cluster.local

Does this mean, the istio-proxy is only expecting TCP TLS, or is it able to receive plain TCP sockets?

Thank You