Istio AuthorizationPolicy returning 403 after login flow using Oauth2-Proxy and Dex

I am trying to use OAuth2-Proxy with an Istio AuthorizationPolicy to handle login and authorization for an application running on AKS. As it stands, when I hit my application endpoint in a browser (, I’m successfully redirected to Dex, and I’m able to login using Dex (using local db username/password) and then get redirected back to my app. But at this point I get a 403 error reading “RBAC: Access Denied”. That message, I believe, is coming from the Istio AuthorizationPolicy.

Istio Version: 1.18.2

As it stands, my AuthorizationPolicy looks like this:

kind: AuthorizationPolicy
  name: oauth-policy
  namespace: istio-system
      istio: ingressgateway
  action: CUSTOM
    name: "oauth2-proxy"
  # The rules specify when to trigger the external authorizer.
  - to:
    - operation:
        - ""

and my configuration for the CUSTOM provider looks like this:

    - name: "oauth2-proxy"
        service: "oauth2-proxy.demo.svc.cluster.local"
        port: "80"
          - content-type
          - set-cookie
          - authorization
          - cookie
          - path
          - x-auth-request-access-token
          - x-forwarded-access-token
          - "cookie"
          - "x-forwarded-access-token"
          - "x-forwarded-user"
          - "x-forwarded-email"
          - "authorization"
          - "x-forwarded-proto"
          - "proxy-authorization"
          - "user-agent"
          - "x-forwarded-host"
          - "from"
          - "x-forwarded-for"
          - "accept"
          authorization: '%REQ(x-auth-request-access-token)%'

I see this in the Dex logs after an attempt, which suggests that everything is good up the point that Dex returns at least:

time="2023-11-06T18:10:02Z" level=info msg="login successful: connector \"local\", username=\"admin\", preferred_username=\"\", email=\"\", groups=[]"

And in turn I get this in the OAuth2-Proxy logs:

[2023/11/06 18:09:51] [oauthproxy.go:970] No valid authentication in request. Initiating login. - 7e0f3851-d605-4e71-b9e1-335dabad9397 - - [2023/11/06 18:09:51] GET - "/" HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" 302 270 0.000 - 18df84c5-2636-4f0d-9278-51035f8db86c - CiQwOGE4Njg0Yi1kYjg4LTRiNzMtOTBhOS0zY2QxNjYxZjU0NjYSBWxvY2Fs [2023/11/06 18:10:02] [AuthSuccess] Authenticated via OAuth2: Session{email:CiQwOGE4Njg0Yi1kYjg4LTRiNzMtOTBhOS0zY2QxNjYxZjU0NjYSBWxvY2Fs user:CiQwOGE4Njg0Yi1kYjg4LTRiNzMtOTBhOS0zY2QxNjYxZjU0NjYSBWxvY2Fs PreferredUsername: token:true id_token:true created:2023-11-06 18:10:02.356686277 +0000 UTC m=+2538.147613649 expires:2023-11-07 18:10:01.353689544 +0000 UTC m=+88937.144616916} - 18df84c5-2636-4f0d-9278-51035f8db86c - - [2023/11/06 18:10:02] GET - "/oauth2/callback?code=nomx6zwp4e2owq6ys6i26yji5&state=EhrfRhvb9g2zQfB1lGanyMaGJejNmegAo9Y_ejeAenA%3A%2F" HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" 302 24 0.040 - 64574381-e3e1-486c-864c-f6a708b94fc6 - CiQwOGE4Njg0Yi1kYjg4LTRiNzMtOTBhOS0zY2QxNjYxZjU0NjYSBWxvY2Fs [2023/11/06 18:10:02] GET static://200 "/" HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" 200 13 0.000 - ecfb0cb8-bf41-4362-b914-46ecf5820de7 - CiQwOGE4Njg0Yi1kYjg4LTRiNzMtOTBhOS0zY2QxNjYxZjU0NjYSBWxvY2Fs [2023/11/06 18:10:02] GET static://200 "/favicon.ico" HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" 200 13 0.000

The bit reading [AuthSuccess] Authenticated via OAuth2: would lead me to believe that things are good with OAuth2-Proxy, but maybe there’s something I’m missing here.

The envoy-proxy logs for the httpbin pod don’t seem to contain anything relevant at first blush:

2023-11-06T17:27:32.275893Z	info	JWT policy is third-party-jwt
2023-11-06T17:27:32.275902Z	info	using credential fetcher of JWT type in cluster.local trust domain
2023-11-06T17:27:32.276032Z	info	platform detected is Azure
2023-11-06T17:27:32.285100Z	warn	HTTP request unsuccessful with status: 400 Bad Request
2023-11-06T17:27:32.300832Z	info	Workload SDS socket not found. Starting Istio SDS Server
2023-11-06T17:27:32.300859Z	info	CA Endpoint istiod.istio-system.svc:15012, provider Citadel
2023-11-06T17:27:32.300877Z	info	Using CA istiod.istio-system.svc:15012 cert with certs: var/run/secrets/istio/root-cert.pem
2023-11-06T17:27:32.301010Z	info	Opening status port 15020
2023-11-06T17:27:32.317004Z	info	ads	All caches have been synced up in 46.961061ms, marking server ready
2023-11-06T17:27:32.317243Z	info	xdsproxy	Initializing with upstream address "istiod.istio-system.svc:15012" and cluster "Kubernetes"
2023-11-06T17:27:32.317285Z	info	sds	Starting SDS grpc server
2023-11-06T17:27:32.317672Z	info	starting Http service at
2023-11-06T17:27:32.318984Z	info	Pilot SAN: [istiod.istio-system.svc]
2023-11-06T17:27:32.319990Z	info	Starting proxy agent
2023-11-06T17:27:32.320018Z	info	starting
2023-11-06T17:27:32.320043Z	info	Envoy command: [-c etc/istio/proxy/envoy-rev.json --drain-time-s 45 --drain-strategy immediate --local-address-ip-version v4 --file-flush-interval-msec 1000 --disable-hot-restart --allow-unknown-static-fields --log-format %Y-%m-%dT%T.%fZ	%l	envoy %n %g:%#	%v	thread=%t -l warning --component-log-level misc:error --concurrency 16]
2023-11-06T17:27:32.427876Z	info	xdsproxy	connected to upstream XDS server: istiod.istio-system.svc:15012
2023-11-06T17:27:32.457010Z	info	ads	ADS: new connection for node:httpbin-7987fb4cc7-7vr9x.demo-1
2023-11-06T17:27:32.457262Z	info	ads	ADS: new connection for node:httpbin-7987fb4cc7-7vr9x.demo-2
2023-11-06T17:27:32.523788Z	info	cache	generated new workload certificate	latency=206.479426ms ttl=23h59m59.476221912s
2023-11-06T17:27:32.523823Z	info	cache	Root cert has changed, start rotating root cert
2023-11-06T17:27:32.523840Z	info	ads	XDS: Incremental Pushing:0 ConnectedEndpoints:2 Version:
2023-11-06T17:27:32.523888Z	info	cache	returned workload trust anchor from cache	ttl=23h59m59.476113611s
2023-11-06T17:27:32.523920Z	info	cache	returned workload certificate from cache	ttl=23h59m59.47608181s
2023-11-06T17:27:32.524062Z	info	cache	returned workload trust anchor from cache	ttl=23h59m59.475948309s
2023-11-06T17:27:32.524200Z	info	ads	SDS: PUSH request for node:httpbin-7987fb4cc7-7vr9x.demo resources:1 size:4.0kB resource:default
2023-11-06T17:27:32.524272Z	info	ads	SDS: PUSH request for node:httpbin-7987fb4cc7-7vr9x.demo resources:1 size:1.1kB resource:ROOTCA
2023-11-06T17:27:32.524358Z	info	cache	returned workload trust anchor from cache	ttl=23h59m59.475645506s
2023-11-06T17:27:33.858345Z	info	Readiness succeeded in 1.594680949s
2023-11-06T17:27:33.858740Z	info	Envoy proxy is ready
2023-11-06T17:55:26.183500Z	info	xdsproxy	connected to upstream XDS server: istiod.istio-system.svc:15012

I’m at something of a dead-end here. Anybody have any thoughts or ideas for further debugging / experimentation?

SOLVED. In this specific case, the problem appears to have been related to having two AuthorizationPolicy objects bound to the same namespace, and that was colliding in a way that did not work. It turns out that the second AuthorizationPolicy was something I’d thrown in while working through some random tutorial, as an experiment, and really wasn’t needed at all. Once I removed it from my deployment, everything worked as expected.