Istio does not find the ingress gateway

I am having issues after configuring my application using isto service mesh. It seems like that the request is not routed to the istio/envoy ingress-gateway.
After runnign istio analyze I get the error:
Error [IST0101] (Gateway my-ns/my-gwy) Referenced selector not found: “istio=ingressgateway”

kubectl get gateway -n my-ns -o yaml

      istio: ingressgateway
    - hosts:
        name: https
        number: 443
        protocol: HTTPS
        credentialName: istio-ingressgateway-certs
        mode: SIMPLE

kubectl get pod -o yaml istio-ingressgateway-12345 -n my-ns-istio-system

    app: istio-ingressgateway
    istio: ingressgateway

Seems like ingress pod ist labled correctly. However traffic doenst reach the ingress and istioctl analyze seems to detect it. Any ideas what is going wrong ?

I have the same issue. Did you ever find a fix for this challenge?

Yes I was able to solve. But I cant exactly remember the issue.
There are number of things you should check. E.g. virtual service and in case destination rules, smmr.

Thanks @mariano. I fixed this last week. In my case it was fixed when I discovered we had 2 istio ingress gateways without unique labels.