Istio egress to RDS failing on deployment with Service type LoadBalancer protocol TCP

Hi All - First time posting, very confused and trying to troubleshoot what I am seeing.

We have two deployments in a namespace, outbound traffic to AWS RDS is working for one but not the other.

The one that doesn’t work:
Deployment Pods listen on TCP 9025, tcp based traffic (mail)
Has a Service of type: LoadBalancer with a AWS ELB dynamically created by the cluster.
Pods can’t establish a connection to AWS RDS

The one that does work:
Deployment Pods listen on TCP 8080, http based traffic
Has a Service type: ClusterIP, VirtualService, Gateway - traffic comes in through the istio-ingressgateway of course.
Pods establish a connection to AWS RDS just fine.

If I launch a troubleshooting Pod that has shell and psql installed, the sidecar is auto injected and I can establish a connection to RDS just fine.

Any thoughts?

Is it not OK to have a Service type: LoadBalancer for Istio enabled services?

Istio install is very default, don’t have a egress-gateway that I can tell.

Thanks for any review and help!