Istio operator meshconfig access log format

Hi does anyone have an example of how to make the access logs json format and then change the json_format, no matter what I try with the accessLogFormat field, it just keeps the same format.

From istio operator.

      accessLogFile: "/dev/stdout"
      accessLogEncoding: "JSON"

The format that is applied no matter what I put in my operator.

"json_format": {
"authority": "%REQ(:AUTHORITY)%",
"bytes_received": "%BYTES_RECEIVED%",
"bytes_sent": "%BYTES_SENT%",
"downstream_local_address": "%DOWNSTREAM_LOCAL_ADDRESS%",
"downstream_remote_address": "%DOWNSTREAM_REMOTE_ADDRESS%",
"duration": "%DURATION%",
"istio_policy_status": "%DYNAMIC_METADATA(istio.mixer:status)%",
"method": "%REQ(:METHOD)%",
"protocol": "%PROTOCOL%",
"request_id": "%REQ(X-REQUEST-ID)%",
"requested_server_name": "%REQUESTED_SERVER_NAME%",
"response_code": "%RESPONSE_CODE%",
"response_flags": "%RESPONSE_FLAGS%",
"route_name": "%ROUTE_NAME%",
"start_time": "%START_TIME%",
"upstream_cluster": "%UPSTREAM_CLUSTER%",
"upstream_host": "%UPSTREAM_HOST%",
"upstream_local_address": "%UPSTREAM_LOCAL_ADDRESS%",
"upstream_service_time": "%RESP(X-ENVOY-UPSTREAM-SERVICE-TIME)%",
"upstream_transport_failure_reason": "%UPSTREAM_TRANSPORT_FAILURE_REASON%",
"user_agent": "%REQ(USER-AGENT)%",
"x_forwarded_for": "%REQ(X-FORWARDED-FOR)%"

@JacobSMoller I think this can help Include traceId in istio-proxy logs?

That definitely seems like what I need. I just feel like I tried adding something similar. But will give it another shot. Thanks :slight_smile: