I am facing issue in enabling sidecar to my application. envoy container is failed to start with below error.
* failed checking application ports. listeners="","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" * envoy missing listener for inbound application port: 8004 2019-05-30T08:17:07.179115Z info Envoy proxy is NOT ready: 2 errors occurred:
I tried in istio 1.1.3 and 1.1.7 version.
Also the issue is intermittent, in version 1.1.3 I faced sample issue with bookinfo app as well as my application where as in 1.1.7 in bookinfo sidecar started without issue but it is failing for my app.
In different cluster, i see no issue for same version of istio and my application.
Running proxy-status gives below output
details-v1-68868454f5-smqwr.sample SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (50%) SYNCED istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
istio-ingressgateway-d897d9676-wkkj9.istio-system SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (100%) NOT SENT istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
nginx-deployment-67594d6bf6-4wg4j.testing-istio SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (50%) SYNCED istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
nginx-deployment-67594d6bf6-8dqjn.testing-istio SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (50%) SYNCED istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
nginx-deployment-67594d6bf6-pqwkp.testing-istio SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (50%) SYNCED istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
paysafe-psm-sample-latest-5666fdbcfd-xpsms.psm SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (50%) SYNCED istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
productpage-v1-5cb458d74f-kjp9j.sample SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (50%) SYNCED istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
ratings-v1-76f4c9765f-d9zf8.sample SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (50%) SYNCED istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
reviews-v1-56f6855586-z2trz.sample SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (50%) SYNCED istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
reviews-v2-65c9df47f8-b4fdf.sample SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (50%) SYNCED istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
reviews-v3-6cf47594fd-tmxxs.sample SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED (50%) SYNCED istio-pilot-57d6f86fb4-rmft6 1.1.3
Though I upgraded to 1.1.7 of istio, the above output still shows 1.1.3 and also 50% means an issue?
Any help to debug this is highly appreciated.