We have very specific case - we’ve enabled Istio sidecar injection for our nginx ingress controller which serves incoming requests to the cluster, we did it in order to make some tests, see metrics, etc
So at the moment we have Istio deployed into cluster and enabled for the nginx only
istio-gateway-east-west-768dfd9ff6-2vrf4.istio-gateway-east-west * SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT NOT SENT istiod-79676db54c-plvn5 1.15.3
istio-gateway-east-west-768dfd9ff6-6jmbb.istio-gateway-east-west * SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT NOT SENT istiod-79676db54c-plvn5 1.15.3
istio-gateway-north-south-7854f58cd-2dsbj.istio-gateway-north-south * SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT istiod-79676db54c-plvn5 1.15.3
istio-gateway-north-south-7854f58cd-nh5ns.istio-gateway-north-south * SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT istiod-79676db54c-plvn5 1.15.3
nginx-ingress-private-74b8685f89-55jr7.nginx-ingress-private * SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT istiod-79676db54c-plvn5 1.15.3
nginx-ingress-private-74b8685f89-hc2zc.nginx-ingress-private * SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT istiod-79676db54c-plvn5 1.15.3
nginx-ingress-private-74b8685f89-wqlnz.nginx-ingress-private * SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT istiod-79676db54c-plvn5 1.15.3
nginx-ingress-public-765cdd9f78-2ntqt.nginx-ingress-public * SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT istiod-79676db54c-plvn5 1.15.3
nginx-ingress-public-765cdd9f78-k9rtd.nginx-ingress-public * SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT istiod-79676db54c-plvn5 1.15.3
nginx-ingress-public-765cdd9f78-sqvn7.nginx-ingress-public * SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT istiod-79676db54c-plvn5 1.15.3
The issue we’re facing seems like the memory leaking for the private ingress controller
At the same time public one works perfectly fine
I’ve tried to to follow the instructions from this document but the output doesn’t contain any information helping to analyse the root cause
kubectl exec -it -n nginx-ingress-private nginx-ingress-private-74b8685f89-55jr7 -c istio-proxy -- curl -X POST -s "http://localhost:15000/heapprofiler?enable=y"
sleep 300
kubectl exec -it -n nginx-ingress-private nginx-ingress-private-74b8685f89-55jr7 -c istio-proxy -- curl -X POST -s "http://localhost:15000/heapprofiler?enable=n"
rm -rf /tmp/envoy
kubectl cp -n nginx-ingress-private nginx-ingress-private-74b8685f89-55jr7:/var/lib/istio/data /tmp/envoy -c istio-proxy
kubectl cp -n nginx-ingress-private nginx-ingress-private-74b8685f89-55jr7:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /tmp/envoy/lib -c istio-proxy
kubectl cp -n nginx-ingress-private nginx-ingress-private-74b8685f89-55jr7:/usr/local/bin/envoy /tmp/envoy/lib/envoy -c istio-proxy
pprof /tmp/envoy/lib/envoy /tmp/envoy/envoy.prof.0001.heap
(pprof) top 10
Total: 11.7 MB
10.0 85.3% 85.3% 10.0 85.3% 0000563f5fa0e328
0.6 5.5% 90.8% 0.6 5.5% 0000563f5fc78558
0.4 3.1% 93.9% 0.4 3.1% 0000563f5fb58b3d
0.1 1.1% 95.0% 0.1 1.1% 0000563f5fa0cca1
0.1 0.6% 95.6% 0.1 0.6% 0000563f5fa562b7
0.0 0.3% 96.0% 0.0 0.3% 0000563f5fa383d1
0.0 0.3% 96.3% 0.0 0.3% 0000563f5fb4e490
0.0 0.3% 96.6% 0.0 0.3% 0000563f5fb51162
0.0 0.3% 96.9% 0.0 0.3% 0000563f5fb4cb3f
0.0 0.3% 97.1% 0.0 0.3% 0000563f5f753485
The output doesn’t contain any information regarding what process takes all memory and I cannot figure out if I did heap collection wrong or something
I do understand that this is a numb question but so far due the lack of knowledge I’m have no clue how to analyse it further and would be very appreciate if anyone can give me a hand with few ideas about what might be wrong
istioctl version
client version: 1.16.0
control plane version: 1.15.3
data plane version: 1.15.3