Istio Proxy2 Version 1.13.2 - Vulnerability


We have updated the version of Istio to 1.13.2, and have found vulnerabilities in the image.

We scan the image before it is pushed to the Azure container registry. We notice that the vulnerability is to the base image of linux and for which we see the security patch available.

It would be really helpful if we know how we can patch the image with the latest OS image so it is remediated.

Any help will be appreciated.

Vulnerabilities that are fixed after a patch release (1.13.2) are typically fixed in the next patch release (1.13.13 in this case). I did notice that we detected vulnerabilities in the base images yesterday and spun new ones which should scan clean today. The next patch build will be built on these new base images.

Thanks for your guidance.

when do you think the new release will be available for us to consume.

You can check the various release channels in the Istio Slack. The channel topic will usually contain the anticipated date of the next release. I note that for the 1.13 channel it says No ETA. I did ask earlier today if there was a date. I think the 1.12 channel was updated today with a planned date for 1.12.7.