Istio upgrade concerns from 1.5.7 -> 1.6.7


I’m getting confusing output from my --dry-run upgrade commands. A few things…

2020-08-03T17:56:55.162589Z	info	proto: tag has too few fields: "-"
! global.proxy.concurrency is deprecated; use meshConfig.concurrency instead
! global.proxy.envoyAccessLogService is deprecated; use meshConfig.envoyAccessLogService instead
! global.proxy.envoyMetricsService is deprecated; use meshConfig.envoyMetricsService instead
! is deprecated; use meshConfig.enableAutoMtls instead
Control Plane - citadel pod - istio-citadel-689b595cbf-kq5gc - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - citadel pod - istio-citadel-689b595cbf-wbft6 - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - galley pod - istio-galley-6bc7ccf884-b4qdl - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - galley pod - istio-galley-6bc7ccf884-bp9ns - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - ingressgateway pod - istio-ingressgateway-54f8f4cf87-h5slw - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - ingressgateway pod - istio-ingressgateway-54f8f4cf87-pfc84 - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - policy pod - istio-policy-5686d68ff8-9bvkn - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - policy pod - istio-policy-5686d68ff8-s6sh2 - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - sidecar-injector pod - istio-sidecar-injector-8cd97dc86-2qrvd - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - sidecar-injector pod - istio-sidecar-injector-8cd97dc86-pp49g - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - telemetry pod - istio-telemetry-6cd4f6d4cc-7fp2h - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - telemetry pod - istio-telemetry-6cd4f6d4cc-jmwff - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - pilot pod - istiod-bb94bcccd-84795 - version: 1.5.7
Control Plane - pilot pod - istiod-bb94bcccd-9klhp - version: 1.5.7

Upgrade version check passed: 1.5.7 -> 1.5.7.

First, when I put:

! global.proxy.concurrency is deprecated; use meshConfig.concurrency instead
! global.proxy.envoyAccessLogService is deprecated; use meshConfig.envoyAccessLogService instead
! global.proxy.envoyMetricsService is deprecated; use meshConfig.envoyMetricsService instead

These three things in the meshConfig, the tool fails:

020-08-03T17:53:04.092552Z	info	Error: failed to generate Istio configs from file 

failed to unmarshall mesh config: unknown field "concurrency" in v1alpha1.MeshConfig

Second, there is no global.mtls setting, this has been moved as directed.

Finally, the last line seems to indicate there will be no upgrade? I am running the 1.6.7 istioctl binary, verified by a istioctl version check. Why wouldn’t it say 1.5.7 -> 1.6.7? Is this command safe to execute?