Istio weekly newsletter
Aug 5th
Important dates (refer slides for other milestones)
- 1.7 release date : 14th Aug
- Feature freeze : 21st July [Completed]
- Build cut: 21st July [Completed]
- Async testing week [Ongoing]
- 1.8 Release date: 10th Nov
- 1.8 release planning presentations to TOC
- 8/14
- 8/21
Release health : Ontrack
- Total P0 and RB: 88
- Open P0 issues: 6
- Closed P0 issues: 82
- Planning for Istio 1.8 release started
- If all P0’s are not tested we will block the Istio 1.7 release
Needs attention
- Documentation test cases need review before our community testing days.
- Owner: @all WG leads
- Asyn testing is in progress and we still have quite a few needs ownership Sign up please
Docs reviewed & discussed
- Github project test
- sed space hack
- Enable more analyzers in Istiod
- issue
- 'istioctl ps ’ Show Pilot config if Envoy unresponsive
- “istioctl proxy-status inbound” to look at inbound for TLS settings
- Virtual Machine Beta Graduation
- Istio integrating with custom CA
- Istio performance testing doc
- Trust Domain Validation
- /debug/authenticationz
- AuthenticationDebug
- RFC: Decouple Cross-Network Gateways from Clusters
- RFC: Istio support tool
- Cncf_webinar_istio_debugging
- RFC: Consolidating sidecar to istiod connections at Istio agent
** If you have suggestions on improving the newsletter please reach out to me. I will really appreciate the feedback.