Hello folks!
We have the following architecture in our microservice based app:
client (react.js) → nginx gateway → nginx load balancer → ingress istio → – routing rule → service → pod (spring boot microservice)
we have external nginx reverce proxy server that sits in front of istio.
we have the following nginx reverse proxy configuration:
http {
upstream backend {
server dns-of-the-ingress:80;
server {
server_name dns_of_frontend_app_deployed_on_nginx_web_server;
listen 80;
proxy_add_header Host $host;
proxy_add_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_add_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
location /microservice1/ {
proxy_pass http://backend;
location /microservice2/ {
proxy_pass http://backend;
Istio Ingress config
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: Gateway
name: httpbin-gateway
istio: ingressgateway
- port:
number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
hosts:- “dns-of-the-ingress”
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: VirtualService
name: httpbin
- “*”
gateways: - httpbin-gateway
http: - match:
- uri:
prefix: /microservice1
route: - destination:
number: 8000
- uri:
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /microservice2
route: - destination:
number: 8000
host: ‘*’
- uri:
the problem is when I call microservice 1 or microservice 2 like below
curl -v dns-of-the-ingress/microservice1
curl -v dns-of-the-ingress/microservice2
it works as it’s supposed to.
but when I call the microservices like below
curl -v dns_of_frontend_app_deployed_on_nginx_web_server/microservice1
curl -v ip-of-the-ingress/microservice1
where ip-of-the-ingress = ping dns-of-the-ingress
it doesn’t work, I get a 404 error - resource doesnt exist.
I’ve checked the nginx logs and it’s clear that nginx reverse proxy resolves dns name to ip prior calling the microservices. curl -v ip-of-the-ingress/microservice1
i wonder why ingress doesnt understand ip-of-the-ingress/microservice1 calls, but everything works with dns-of-the-ingress/microservice1
what’s wrong with my configuration.
any help would be greately appreciated!