No matches for kind "instance" in version "" while installing fluentd adaptor

I am trying to install fluentd adaptor using the link Istioldie 1.2 / Logging with Fluentd

we are using k8s v1.23.1

while trying to install fluentd adaptor
ubuntu@alex-internal-prod:~$ kubectl apply -f fluentd-istio.yaml

getting the below error

resource mapping not found for name: “newlog” namespace: “istio-system” from “fluentd-istio.yaml”: no matches for kind “instance” in version “
ensure CRDs are installed first
resource mapping not found for name: “handler” namespace: “istio-system” from “fluentd-istio.yaml”: no matches for kind “handler” in version “
ensure CRDs are installed first
resource mapping not found for name: “newlogtofluentd” namespace: “istio-system” from “fluentd-istio.yaml”: no matches for kind “rule” in version “
ensure CRDs are installed first

Can any one give me some clue to figure this out. Please suggest am I missing any CRD in k8s cluster
