Configure 2 gateway virtual service pairs pointing to 2 different applications
Each gateway points to a unique secret (using SDS)
Only one application is accessible .
Calls to the other return 404 .
As long as only once gateway (it oesn’t matter which one) is configured with a secret, it will work. The moment two are configured, one willl stop working.
As we want to provide an easy experience for apps on boarding to our platform and have tls by default in the environment for their endpoints but it means one master gateway only that everyone shares and no ability to create gateways per namespace
I tried this with curl itself and failed . I raised another issue on another manifestation of the same issue, … namely the wrong server certificate is presented . There is a CLi session that shows the wrong cert being presented as well as my gateway and virtual service configs
Does anything look different from what you are doing. I used wildcards for the hosts field in the gateway and virtual service but that shouldn’t cause the wrong certificate to be presented
@Tomas_Kohout - would you mind trying a similar config to mine if you feel things work in your environment. The issue should be very easy to duplicate . I have replicated it in Istio 1.4.3 and 1.4.4
I used totally fictitious host names etc ./ . I wildcarded the host entries in the gateway and virtual service so the entry in the certificate shouldn’t matter.