Hi, I have a few beginner questions regarding mTLS.
I have two services: hello-world and service1.
My Python application in hello-world will make a GET request to my Python application in service1 when I visit the /hello-service1 route.
I have enabled mTLS for service1.
My questions are:
When I send my GET request from hello-world to service1, http://service1.service1.svc.cluster.local:PORT_NUMBER works but https://service1.service1.svc.cluster.local:PORT_NUMBER doesn’t. I have read this page.
Does this mean that when I send a HTTP request, the Envoy proxy in hello-world will handle mTLS with the Envoy proxy in service1, thus the right way to call service1 would be by http instead of https?
When I enable mTLS for service1 only, does this mean that if service1 calls hello-world, it will be without mTLS?
I could run kubectl apply -f on that policy and checked using istioctl authn tls-check. It was indeed in STRICT mode.
I’m not sure, is that enough to verify that requests between Envoy proxies are sent via mTLS?