I am pleased to announce that after a special election to fill an empty seat on the Istio Steering Committee, we have chosen Iris (Shaojun) Ding from Intel to join the group.
Here’s a little bit about Iris:
Iris works at Intel leading a team working in service mesh area. Iris has worked on Istio service mesh since 2019 and currently serves as maintainer for Environment working group and User Experience Working group. She also served as Istio 1.6’s release manager. She has made 2000+ contributions (including 100+ PRs) to the Istio project and is committed to continue contributing.
Iris was an co-organizer for IstioCon 2021 and was in charge of IstioCon China time zone activities including topic selection, speaker coordination, hosting and live broadcasting. She maintains the Istio community Bilibili (the most popular Live broadcast platform in China) account and broadcast all our IstioCon videos which attracted many users/developers into Istio project. Iris also organized the first Istio Meetup China in this July together with other partners. The meetup has 292 people registered , 140 people attended on-site in person, 2000 people watching online at peak time via Istio’s Bilibili account. These activities enlarged Istio’s influence in service mesh eco-system in China greatly.
Iris is an open source enthusiast and is passionate about advocating for Istio in the service mesh industry and helping users adopt Istio successfully. She intends to help out with various aspects of making Istio successful, such as fostering a smooth and happy environment for developers, contributors and users, and providing neutral mediation for non-technical disputes. She would love to help new contributors to get started and get more contributions to the project.
Please welcome Iris to Steering!