Support for object types in istio.policy.v1beta1.Value

In order to be able to correctly map access log entries to our backend’s Elasticsearch schema, we need to be able to define nested objects in a LogEntry template, so that the json output looks something like this:

	"level": "info",
	"time": "2019-03-29T17:03:21.957247Z",
	"instance": "accesslog.logentry.istio-system",
	"application": "istio-ingressgateway",
	"extra_data": {
		"request": {
			"method": "GET"
		"response": {
			"code": 200

For this to work, the template would have to look something like

apiVersion: ""
kind: logentry
  name: accesslog
  namespace: istio-system
  severity: info
  timestamp: request.time
    application: source.labels["app"]
        method: request.method
        code: response.code
  monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"'

Currently istio.policy.v1beta1.Value doesn’t support a map-like structure to be able to parse extra_data. Are there any workarounds? Or is there a plan to support maps as a type in the future?


The current workaround is to flatten the values into a stringmap:

    request_method: request.method
    response_code: response.code

We do have plans to adopt Common Expression Language ( which has a full support for protos, JSONs, lists, and maps. I would imagine we would need a new value type OBJECT that represents a JSON, once we are ready to utilize CEL runtime.

You are welcome to provide more comments in the expression language issue:


Flattening the list still doesn’t work for me. Adding

    request_method: request.method

gives me

admission webhook “” denied the request: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type string

I’m on 1.1.0. It doesn’t look like Mixer can take ANY nested object beyond the one level down below variables.

Oops, yeah, sorry. What I meant was one-level flattened list:

  extra_data_request_method: request.method