The istio proxy container generating an error "pstream reset: reset reason: connection failure, transport failure reason: TLS error: Secret is not supplied by SDS"

I have set tls mode as MUTUAL and proivded credentialName and sni, When istioproxy tries to establish TLS connection with remote I see this error , can someone point me what configuration I should check ?
There is no TLS message client hello initiated from istio-proxy ?
2023-11-10T22:50:51.954434Z debug envoy client [C1335] disconnect. resetting 0 pending requests
2023-11-10T22:50:51.954448Z debug envoy pool [C1335] client disconnected, failure reason: TLS error: Secret is not supplied by SDS
2023-11-10T22:50:51.954456Z debug envoy router [C146][S11503961257378681059] upstream reset: reset reason: connection failure, transport failure reason: TLS error: Secret is not supplied by SDS