Unable to enable mesh expansion feature in ISTIO 1.1

Hi Team,

Unable to enable mesh expansion feature in ISTIO 1.1

with helm and tiller:
helm upgrade --set global.meshExpansion=true istio-system .
2019/02/28 11:23:00 warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for meshExpansion (map[useILB:false enabled:false])
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: “istio-system” has no deployed releases

with template:
helm template --set global.meshExpansion=true --namespace istio-system . > istio.yaml
2019/02/28 12:34:02 warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for meshExpansion (map[enabled:false useILB:false])
2019/02/28 12:34:02 warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for meshExpansion (map[enabled:false useILB:false])
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping

bin/istioctl version
version.BuildInfo{Version:“1.1.0-rc.1”, GitRevision:“cdc39e70054be670d2c141dec7b8517a0812b021”, User:“root”, Host:“72433e36-3ac1-11e9-8dad-0a580a2c0205”, GolangVersion:“go1.10.4”, DockerHub:“docker.io/istio”, BuildStatus:“Clean”, GitTag:“1.1.0-rc.0-54-gcdc39e7”}

helm version
Client: &version.Version{SemVer:“v2.9.1”, GitCommit:“20adb27c7c5868466912eebdf6664e7390ebe710”, GitTreeState:“clean”}
Server: &version.Version{SemVer:“v2.9.1”, GitCommit:“20adb27c7c5868466912eebdf6664e7390ebe710”, GitTreeState:“clean”}


What istio version do you currently have installed, and can you provide a link to the doc that you were following to upgrade to 1.1?

I’m seeing a few things that may be blocking you from being able to upgrade to one of the Istio 1.1 release candidates. First, if you followed the docs to install a previous version of istio with helm, the release will be likely called “istio” instead of “istio-system”. Run helm ls to see a list of all of your helm releases.

The 1.1 prelim docs for installing with Helm indicate that you’ll need to upgrade your helm server to 2.10 or later. It looks like the mesh expansion option has also changed for 1.1 (see 1.1 global install options here) from global.meshExpansion to global.meshExpansion.enabled.

I would recommend following the updated instructions to upgrade to 1.1 using Helm if you aren’t already. They probably aren’t flawless because they’re in the process of being tested, but that should get you closer. Hope this helps!


Here, I am not upgrading ISTIO 1.0.X to ISTIO 1.1.X

I have configured ISTIO 1.1.0-rc.1 with out mesh expansion feature enabled.
later, I am trying to enable mesh expansion feature, that time I am getting below error,

with helm and tiller:
helm upgrade --set global.meshExpansion=true istio-system .
2019/02/28 11:23:00 warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for meshExpansion (map[useILB:false enabled:false])
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: “istio-system” has no deployed releases

with template:
helm template --set global.meshExpansion=true --namespace istio-system . > istio.yaml
2019/02/28 12:34:02 warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for meshExpansion (map[enabled:false useILB:false])
2019/02/28 12:34:02 warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for meshExpansion (map[enabled:false useILB:false])
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping
2019/02/28 12:34:02 key meshExpansion is table. Skipping

I follwed below docs:

  1. https://preliminary.istio.io/docs/setup/kubernetes/install/helm/
  2. https://preliminary.istio.io/docs/setup/kubernetes/mesh-expansion/

istioctl version
version.BuildInfo{Version:“1.1.0-rc.1”, GitRevision:“cdc39e70054be670d2c141dec7b8517a0812b021”, User:“root”, Host:“72433e36-3ac1-11e9-8dad-0a580a2c0205”, GolangVersion:“go1.10.4”, DockerHub:“docker.io/istio”, BuildStatus:“Clean”, GitTag:“1.1.0-rc.0-54-gcdc39e7”}

helm ls
istio 1 Tue Mar 5 11:47:01 2019 DEPLOYED istio-1.1.0 istio-system
istio-init 1 Tue Mar 5 11:44:05 2019 DEPLOYED istio-init-1.1.0 istio-system

The mesh expansion documentation is currently invalid, we have a PR under review to fix that, https://github.com/istio/istio.io/pull/3274

Thank you for update