I am running Istio 1.5 and am trying to enable TLS on north south traffic in my EKS cluster (v1.15) and I have done the following:
- Followed steps here to setup a sample application https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/getting-started/
- Installed cert manager 0.15.1
- Created a cluster issuer
- Configured the cluster issuer to attempt solve the DNS challenge by integrating it with AWS Route53
- Generate a certificate using the cluster issuer and letsencrypt
- Followed the steps here to configure the gateway and virtual service with the certificate created above https://istio.io/latest/docs/tasks/traffic-management/ingress/secure-ingress/
- I copied the root certificate of letsencrypt to pass through the curl command
- Tried to curl to the IP of the loadbalancer and I get this error
Can anyone please guide me on how to resolve this?