already lost days and much hair to trying to get this working inside my istio mesh
- single(currently) backend service(BE) hosting api on port 3000 and service listening on 3001
- multiple replicas of the front end(FE)
works great locally, but hitting a brick wall getting it working in the cluster
trying to get websockets working between FE and BE but getting nowhere fast
istio version in cluster is 1.11.3
seen some examples were they specify “websocketUpgrade: true” in the virtualservice config, but when i have tried to apply this i get the following error:
error validating data: ValidationError(VirtualService.spec.tcp[0]): unknown field “websocketUpgrade” in io.istio.networking.v1beta1.VirtualService.spec.tcp;
so not sure it is available in my version
any help / pointers would be hugely appreciated