We have installed istio-operator into our kubernetes cluster.
By default, the istio sidecars (istio-proxy) are assigned the following request and limits:
cpu: 100m
memory: 128Mi
cpu: 2000m
memory: 1024Mi
Normally, the limits of containers is reasonable and typically only double the requests, unless it is a service that spikes suddenly.
I am investingating in prometheus the limits and requests of all our environment. We have tons of containers and the istio-proxy, with their huge limits compared to usage, makes the cluster have huge limit.
Isent having that high limits messing with kube-scheduler making it add less pods to each node due to the limit being so high?
Is there any reason to not change it to something like this?
cpu: 100m
memory: 128Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 256Mi