Is there a way to similarly configure HTTP traffic (without TLS) to be routed from application container, through sidecar, then to egress gateway and out? So far I have only found a way to do this by creating ServiceEntries for specific external servers not for wild-carded destinations.
The problem is however, with performance, since the additional Nginx proxy will not respect the original keep-alive directive, and the connections will not be kept alive.
Hi all! I saw the @vadimeisenbergibm and @skydoctor answers on using Envoy original destination load balancer and host header as described in this page, but is it possible to also originate mTLS connection at the egress?
I mean is it possible HTTP traffic (without TLS) to be routed from application container, through sidecar, then to egress gateway, where mTLS communication to be originated (using client certificates) and then routed to SNI proxy and out? Using wildcard hosts?
I asked the same question also here in Stackoverflow
I am also having same issue. I want to configure egress gateway for http for arbitrary domain (*.com). In documentation, I saw https for arbitrary domain which works fine but i need it for http.
@ttsokov were you able to implement your use case?
We would like to implement the same setup, use HTTP in the apps but enforce the TLS origination in the egress gateway for any host without the need to list all the possible destination hosts.