Configure istio-proxy (envoy) to use jaeger-native tracing

Initially envoy only used to export traces using the zipkin client which could be sent to jaeger-collector since jaeger understands the zipkin format. But now you can configure envoy to produce traces in the native jaeger format:

The page above highlights the benefits of doing that as well. I am trying to find how to configure Istio such that envoy processes under its control use the native jaeger format?

@objectiser, @douglas-reid - can this be done using Istio 1.0.5?

We don’t have tracing configuration exposed for supporting dynamic OT libraries. This would be a bit tricky, I’d imagine, because we’d need a way to also inject the proxies with the jaeger library and then use that image for sidecar injection, etc.

For next steps, I’d suggest filing an issue on the repo and raising this at a P&T Working Group meeting for further discussion.

Thanks. Will file and issue and take it from there.