Could we use the QEMU to build the Istio arm64 images

I want to enable the Istio on Arm64 platform. But as far as i know, there is no arm64 servers on GWS. So, could we use the QEMU to build the Istio arm64 images ?


Now, i am working on porting Istio to Arm64 platform. I notice that it need to download some images/binaries from google storage when building the istio. If i want to upstream arm64-binary/images, how could i do? Is there any instructions about it ?


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Have you been able to port it?

I am not sure exactly how qemu could be used as a build node in Prow, but I am sure there is some way to provide emulated test and release infrastructure. For such a large porting effort, may I suggest joining the Istio T&R working group and making a proposal here:


Build multi-architecture compatible docker images is something I’m a strong advocate for and I’m in the process to hopefully make cross compiling much simpler.

Here is an active pull request I’m trying to compile using ARM however, in theory any architecture could be built using the same approach. Once there is a reusable pattern it’s easier in regards to implementation, and more in regards to testing and verifying functionality in these new architectures before istio can give them support.

Hello. I wanted to reiterate the suggestion of creating an RFC document and presenting the RFC to the test and release working group. To get started, I’d attend a few T&R meetings to see how they operate, then submit an RFC to the agenda.


QEMU is very slow for compiling istio/envoy

Here are some steps to build arm64 images.