Gateway resource selector and gateway workload instance

Using Istio 1.2, based on

In other words, the Gateway resource must reside in the same namespace as the gateway workload instance.

the selector should select the ingress gateway pod in the same namespace.
However, deployed the bookinfo app in default namespace and created Gateway in default ns.
It’s still able to use the istio-ingressgateway under istio-system ns.

Is the doc wrong?

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Same question, is the code wrong or is the doc wrong? I’m able to create the gateway resource in a different namespace then the proxy instances. But I don’t want to be relying on an undocumented feature that may go away.

Should have looked a little bit harder before posting. This is a bug:

New question is is this a bug they’re going to keep? As our expected behaviour is that the gateway would work across namespaces. Only found this discussion and the link to the bug because i read the documentation and was also confused by the line mentioned in the original post.