Getting the "Template Version Mismatched Check" error on new install

I’m using “istioctl manifest generate” to create a manifest.yaml, then putting that in templates directory to be loaded by “helm upgrade --install”. Even though istio is not previously installed, I’m getting a “Template_Version_And_Istio_Version_Mismatched_Check_Installation” error. This fails with 1.15.0, 1.12.1, and 1.9.0. This fails with multiple k8s clusters. Is there something I’m doing wrong? Can’t generated manifests be used with helm?

This is the helmfile output:

err 1: failed processing release istio: command "C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\bin\\helm.exe" exited with non-zero status:


  0: helm (4 bytes)
  1: upgrade (7 bytes)
  2: --install (9 bytes)
  3: --reset-values (14 bytes)
  4: istio (5 bytes)
  5: ..\istio\generated (18 bytes)
  6: --namespace (11 bytes)
  7: apps-network (12 bytes)
  8: --history-max (13 bytes)
  9: 10 (2 bytes)
  10: --debug (7 bytes)

  exit status 1


  history.go:56: [debug] getting history for release istio
  install.go:178: [debug] Original chart version: ""
  install.go:195: [debug] CHART PATH: C:\Users\ken.huffman\go\src\\inContact\acddevops-kubernetes-charts\charts\istio\generated
  Error: parse error at (istio/templates/manifest.yaml:7916): function "Template_Version_And_Istio_Version_Mismatched_Check_Installation" not defined
  helm.go:84: [debug] parse error at (istio/templates/manifest.yaml:7916): function "Template_Version_And_Istio_Version_Mismatched_Check_Installation" not defined

  history.go:56: [debug] getting history for release istio
  Release "istio" does not exist. Installing it now.
  install.go:178: [debug] Original chart version: ""
  install.go:195: [debug] CHART PATH: C:\Users\ken.huffman\go\src\\inContact\acddevops-kubernetes-charts\charts\istio\generated
  Error: parse error at (istio/templates/manifest.yaml:7916): function "Template_Version_And_Istio_Version_Mismatched_Check_Installation" not defined
  helm.go:84: [debug] parse error at (istio/templates/manifest.yaml:7916): function "Template_Version_And_Istio_Version_Mismatched_Check_Installation" not defined

My error. The output of “istio manifest generate” is not a template. The output should be put in a non-template directory and a one line file in the template directory should reference it:

{{ .Files.Get "files/istioctl-manifest.yaml" }}