When i run istioctl manifest apply --set values.global.istioNamespace=test, the command worked.
but ingress was not started with Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503
I don’t know what is problem.
Also, there is no document for these environments as multi-tenancy istio.
A side note about multi-tenancy and Kiali. Kiali supports multi-tenancy, but you should install Kiali via the Kiali Operator, not the istioctl/helm charts. Kiali Operator will be able to support installing multiple Kiali instances in multiple control planes within a cluster (e.g. you need to tell the Operator about the accessible_namespaces to give Kiali). This has a little bit of detail on this: https://kiali.io/documentation/getting-started/#_namespace_management
There is no real documented way of deploying multiple control-planes in a single cluster.I am working on a document to demonstrate how to start multiple disparate istio controlplanes in a single cluster without stepping on each other toes. Will share the link once I upload it.
PS: It requires so manual changes to the helm charts that are not supported by the existing helm values, including some container command and arg changes.