Kiali and Jeager with Shared control plane

Hi, I’m trying to setup an istio installation with
Is there a way to setup jeager for taking traces from both clusters?
And how to monitor both clusters from kiali installed on the main istio cluster?

Hello @mcastro,

I saw your query, I don’t think that Kiali supports multi-cluster at the moment, but there is an effort to work on that topic.

This is the issue were we are discussing on it:

It doesn’t answer your question, but I hope it gives visibility of the current work.


Hello @lucas.ponce,
thanks for your response!
And could you give me any infos about jeager?

Adding @objectiser about Jaeger.

Hi @mcastro

Haven’t tried it, but it should just be a case of exposing the zipkin service from one cluster and configuring the zipkin address to the appropriate URL. For example, helm parameter --set global.tracer.zipkin.address=... .


Hi @objectiser, I’ve tried with something similar.
I’ve exposed the zipkin service and then added to istio cm (on “slave” cluster) under global.tracer.zipkin.address .
Once I’ve done I’ve scaled to 0 and then to 1 the ingress-gateway deployment to enable che configMap but it doesn’t work.
Am I wrong? I have to scale something else?

Sorry don’t know - I have only configured the property via helm install.

cc @douglas-reid

Could someone help here pls?

@mcastro i’m not sure i’ve properly followed the context here, but did you manually update the mesh config after deploying? if so, i suggest a restart of the Pilot pods to ensure the proper config is being used and pushed to proxies. You can always get a config_dump from one of the proxies and look for the tracing configuration to confirm.

BTW, out of curiosity, have you tried using a ServiceEntry in the cluster without the istio tracing service to provide access (documentation)? Or an egress gateway?

You can setup tracing with zipkin, follow . You have to set => you zipkin IP in the control plane, or you can create tcp loadbalancer => zipkin pod and set it in your config. After that you can see the zipkin address in the envoy config in all cluster.