How to integrate Custom CA (AWS PCA) using Kubernetes CSR

Hello all, am trying to setup Custom CA (AWS PCA) Integration using Kubernetes CSR in Istio following this doc (Istio / Custom CA Integration using Kubernetes CSR). Steps followed:

i) Enable feature gate on cert-manager controller: --feature-gates=ExperimentalCertificateSigningRequestControllers=true
ii) AWS PCA and aws-privateca-issuer plugin is already in place.
iii) awspcaclusterissuers object in place with AWS PCA arn (arn:aws:acm-pca:us-west-2:<account_id>:certificate-authority/)
iv) Modified Istio operator with defaultConfig and caCertificates of AWS PCA issuer (
v) Modified istiod deployment and added env vars (as mentioned in the doc along with cluster role).

istiod pod is failing with this error:

Generating K8S-signed cert for [istiod.istio-system.svc istiod-remote.istio-system.svc istio-pilot.istio-system.svc] using signer
2023-01-04T07:25:26.942944Z	error	failed to create discovery service: failed generating key and cert by kubernetes: no certificate returned for the CSR: "csr-workload-lg6kct8nh6r9vx4ld4"
Error: failed to create discovery service: failed generating key and cert by kubernetes: no certificate returned for the CSR: "csr-workload-lg6kct8nh6r9vx4ld4"

K8s Version: 1.22
Istio Version: 1.13.5
Note: Our integration of cert manager and AWS PCA works fine as we generate Private Certificates using cert-manager and PCA with ‘Certificates’ object. It’s the integration of kubernetes csr method with istio that is failing!

Would really appreciate if anybody with knowledge on this could help me out here as there are nearly zero docs on this integration.

Hi @Ashit_Ranjan_Acharya , I’ve documented the steps for this integration (with AWS PCA) and also recorded a “how to” video. However, I use Istio CSR instead of Kubernetes CSR. Let me know if it helps.
GitHub: GitHub - LukeMwila/how-to-setup-external-ca-in-istio: This repository contains steps and source code for configuring an external CA in Istio.
YouTube: How to Setup External CA Integration in Istio - YouTube