Generated a certificate, exported the root and intermediate certificates for the CA
Validated that all certificates can be linked up their chain (actually, even used it for a hello-world webhost just to be absolutely sure they work)
Renamed all the files to the correct naming and created cacerts: ca-cert.pem, ca-key.pem, cert-chain.pem and root-cert.pem
Tried to deploy istio using the manifests/examples/multicluster/values-istio-multicluster-gateways.yaml as per the guide
However, istiod continuously fails to work with the certificate and reports the following error:
Error: failed to create discovery service: failed to create CA: failed to create an istiod CA: certificate is not authorized to sign other certificates
I’ve tried swapping certificates to a legitimate wildcard certificate from GoDaddy but that failed as well. If I delete cacerts or use Istio’s sample certs, the deployment works. I did some digging and found that the sample ca-cert.pem provided with istioctl has the following which my custom CA cert and GoDaddy certificate does not have:
X509v3 Key Usage:
Certificate Sign
Could someone verify if this is a required condition for certificates to work with istiod? Is there an easier way to go about getting a custom CA to work with 1.6.2? My apologies if I missed this in the documentation somewhere, but if anyone could point it out to me, it would help alot, thanks!
Generated a Cert for Istio’s usage (ca-cert.pem & ca-key.pem). This was the extremely tricky part. The cert should have the Key Usage “Certificate Signing” and if you are using the same cfssl version that I am, add the Extended Key Usage “any”*
Combine the above 3 certs into a cert-chain.pem file
Use the 4 files to deploy cacerts as per the Istio guide
*I lack the expertise to explain the necessity behind the “any” Extended Key Usage but I got the clue from here: on jessedearing’s comment about RFC 5280. If any Extended Key Usage exists, it must conform to the exact usage of the Key. Therefore, without knowing more about Istio’s usage of the Key, I added the “any” value. Please note, this could be insecure.
I also used cfssl to create certs and add in istio, now I am not getting this error: “certificate is not authorized to sign other certificates”, but I see this error: “grpc: Server.Serve failed to complete security handshake tls: unknown certificate authority”
Were you able to solve this?
I have started working on istio implementation and able to see some progress. Have got few doubts and I see myself missing something in the documentation…
Currently, I am using a gateway, virtual service, destination rules, authorization services for 2 deployments and I am able to see the graph with mTLS enabled in the kiali dashboard. and it’s all working fine.
As I have to use now GoDaddy CA certs , gone through the documentation regarding " Plug in certificates and key into the cluster ", looks like during the fresh installation of the istio it’s picking custom CA certs but with below errors
2022-02-03T16:23:31.337162Z info initializing mesh networks from mesh config watcher
2022-02-03T16:23:31.337167Z info initializing mesh handlers
2022-02-03T16:23:31.337178Z info creating CA and initializing public key
2022-02-03T16:23:31.337214Z info Use local CA certificate
Error: failed to create discovery service: failed to create CA: failed to create an istiod CA: certificate is not authorized to sign other certificates
2022-02-03T16:23:31.338090Z error failed to create discovery service: failed to create CA: failed to create an istiod CA: certificate is not authorized to sign other certificates
I am a bit stuck in this and exploring for any other approaches if I have to look into anything if I am missing.
Can you please advise with some of the inputs regarding this