How to reconfigure some Istio componnents?

I installed Istio on Kubernets with helm install command and my custom values.yaml.
Now I want to change some parameters of ingress gateway only.
How can I reconfigure ingress only (for example add externalIP and increase replica count)?

Your custom values.yaml can have the following to override the defaults only for istio-ingressgateway:

    autoscaleMax: 10
    autoscaleMin: 2
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@anilcs0405, do I upgrade or delete+install with helm?
And can I update only one chart for ingress?

You do not need to update any helm charts, the charts that come with istio support overriding the above parameters that you need to on only istio-ingressgateway.

The part I am not clear about is, why would you install the default istio-ingressgateway and then upgrade it?, why not override the values in values.yaml and then generate the ingressgateway with helm and install that?

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I want to update some ingress property. But I don’t understand step after I change values in ingress directory. What commands should I use to change ingress configuration?

You can find the steps here

Basically, you update values.yaml, then generate config using helm and then use kubectl apply to deploy istio.

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