Installing CNI - update sidecar config

Hi Sourabh,

To make sure I understand, you want to modify an existing Istio install’s istio-sidecar-injector configmap to enable Istio CNI, right? If that’s the case, what needs to be done is to edit the template and remove the istio-init entry in the initContainers section. That will allow you to use auto-sidecar injection OR istioctl as shown in the Istio CNI install guide.

You can see a detailed example of what the istio_cni.enabled=true helm setting does via:

~/tmp/istio/istio-1.1.1 helm template install/kubernetes/helm/istio --name istio --namespace istio-system \
  --set istio_cni.enabled=true > ~/tmp/istio_instalL_cni.yaml

~/tmp/istio/istio-1.1.1 helm template install/kubernetes/helm/istio --name istio --namespace istio-system > ~/tmp/istio_instalL_nocni.yaml

~/tmp/istio/istio-1.1.1 diff ~/tmp/istio_instalL_cni.yaml ~/tmp/istio_instalL_nocni.yaml
>       initContainers:
>       [[ if ne (annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode) "NONE" ]]
>       - name: istio-init
>         image: ""
>         args:
>         - "-p"
>         - [[ .MeshConfig.ProxyListenPort ]]
>         - "-u"
>         - 1337
>         - "-m"
>         - [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode ]]
>         - "-i"
>         - "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta ``  "*"  ]]"
>         - "-x"
>         - "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta ``  ""  ]]"
>         - "-b"
>         - "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` (includeInboundPorts .Spec.Containers) ]]"
>         - "-d"
>         - "[[ excludeInboundPort (annotation .ObjectMeta ``  15020 ) (annotation .ObjectMeta ``  "" ) ]]"
>         [[ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) -]]
>         - "-k"
>         - "[[ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]]"
>         [[ end -]]
>         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
>         resources:
>           requests:
>             cpu: 10m
>             memory: 10Mi
>           limits:
>             cpu: 100m
>             memory: 50Mi
>         securityContext:
>           capabilities:
>             add:
>             - NET_ADMIN
>         restartPolicy: Always
>       [[ end -]]

Hope this helps!