Istio implmentation after Kube cluster and all micr services

Hi Team,

I have Kubernetes clusters in production and all our microservices are build and running in production. We are planning to start using Istio for Production and Dev Env. Is it possible if I have already apps running in Kubernetes engine on Google cloud?

Or do we need to build the env again and then strat using Istio.

Please help me on this.


Hi Rakesh, you don’t need to rebuild your environment. Once Istio is deployed to your Kubernetes cluster you have these options depending if you have enabled Dynamic Admission Webhook or not (see:

  1. For new services:
    a. Admission Webhook enabled:
    You need to label you namespace with istio-injection=enabled and sidecar will be injected when deployed so your microservices will be managed by the mesh.
    b. Admission Webhook not enabled:
    You need to explicitly inject sidecar using istioctl kube-inject -f app-manifest.yaml to enable service mesh control.

  2. For existing services:
    a. Admission Webhook enabled: you need to label the namespace with istio-injection=enabled and redeploy microservices. They will be created with the sidecar and thus managed by the service mesh.
    b. Admission Webhook not enabled: you need to explicitly inject sidecar using istioctl kube-inject -f app-manifest.yaml

Thanks rafik8. Can you please please share me the document link for istio implementation with my existing env.


I don’t know what you mean exactly by:

istio implementation with my existing env

but here is the link to istio installation guide using helm: