Istio Upgrade to 1.15.0 issue

Hi All,

We are trying to upgrade istio to 1.15.0 from 1.13.3. We did upgraded using helm and upgrade seems to have worked for ingress controller but for liveness we are still seeing old version of 1.13.3. And ideas what we are missing?

istioctl proxy-status
istio-ingress-6f94bcb7b4-pljkd.istio-ingress Kubernetes SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT istiod-d97cbc5f-5sxvs 1.15.0
liveness-6d7965bcf9-kc47h.istio-io-health Kubernetes SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED NOT SENT istiod-d97cbc5f-5sxvs 1.13.3

Note: While running pre-checks we got below messages but still went ahead with upgrade as we were not very clear if these are just info messages or actual errors. Now wonder if this is the reason why the liveness is not upgraded?

istioctl x precheck
Info [IST0136] (Pod istio-ingress/istio-ingress-6f94bcb7b4-pljkd) Annotation β€œ” is part of an alpha-phase feature and may be incompletely supported.
Info [IST0136] (Pod istio-ingress/istio-ingress-6f94bcb7b4-pljkd) Annotation β€œ” is part of an alpha-phase feature and may be incompletely supported.

So on checking further I notice that the liveness deployment is still pointing to old Istio version image. What is the right way to update it ?

Init Containers:

For anyone later who come here searching for this issue. Looks like the liveness is needed only when installed via istioctl but when installed via helm it’s not needed thus helm is not updating it also. Since this was on dev server we earlier tried with istioctl and later after cleanup(looks like was partial) installed with helm so maybe the liveness is reminiscent of that old approach. For now I have deleted the liveness deployment and not observing any issue as our current installation is via helm. Will monitor the server for few more days.

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