Istioctl experimental upgrade fails

upgrade by using istioctl is failing

i have 1.4.0 istio installed with istioctl manifest apply, upgrading to 1.4.2 is failing

with 1.4.1 binary:

$ ~/tmp/istio-1.4.1/bin/istioctl experimental upgrade
Client - istioctl version: 1.4.0

Error: the target version 1.4.1 is not supported by istioctl 1.4.0, please download istioctl 1.4.1 and run upgrade again

same with 1.4.2 binary:

$ ~/tmp/istio-1.4.2/bin/istioctl experimental upgrade
Client - istioctl version: 1.4.0

Error: the target version 1.4.2 is not supported by istioctl 1.4.0, please download istioctl 1.4.2 and run upgrade again

because doc says helm installation method will be deprecated and To istioctl or to helm gave me confidence to use istioctl install method so i am trying same but it fails!

i see there is a bug already created