I got remote secrets in this step but failed to figured out where these secrets get mounted. It is seems never used or attached to any pod. Could you help me figure it out?
Thank you! That’s true. istioctl remote-clusters shows the remote cluster then. I also checked with Istiod’s Role and Rolebinding and found that it has the access to Secret API.
I am following the same instructions to create the remote secrets in my 2 clusters.
I am running istio version 1.13.4 on k8s 1.21.
I too see the remote clusters show up via istioctl remote-clusters:
➜ certs git:(main) ✗ istioctl remote-clusters
test-east1 istio-system/istio-remote-secret-test-east1 synced istiod-6b7d5c567b-thp7r
➜ certs git:(main) ✗ kcuc test-east1
Switched to context "test-east1".
➜ certs git:(main) ✗ istioctl remote-clusters
test2-east1 istio-system/istio-remote-secret-test2-east1 synced istiod-58f4d85b9c-glmgt
I created a service identically on both clusters a namespace with the same name.
However, when I curl the service+port from either cluster, it only routes to pods in the same cluster.
(I’ve even repeated the steps from the istio docs verbatim, with the same result)
I am not sure what step I am missing. any guidance would be appreciated!
I was able to get past this after all. I had to restart the pods so that the sidecars picked up the updated envoy config. Now cross-cluster traffic works as expected!