I have implemented a a multi-cluster by following the primary-remote setup. The setup has one primary cluster and two remote clusters. when verifing the setup ( as done her) there is a problem initialising pods when deploying a application.
The problem:
Warning FailedCreate replicaset/helloworld-v1-776f57d5f6 Error creating: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "namespace.sidecar-injector.istio.io": failed to call webhook: Post "https://istiod.istio-system.svc:443/inject/cluster/RemoteClusterName/net/network1?timeout=10s": cannot route to service with ClusterIP "None"
Has anybody experienced this problem before? i’m using the VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid to run my kubernetes environment.
I am currently running into the exact same issue across two KinD clusters.
The istiod service does have an properly configured endpoint inside the remote cluster:
$ kubectl -n istio-system get endpoints
istiod 33m
From the same remote cluster, I am able to resolve the IP address of the istiod service, and to reach the status endpoint of istiod over the primary cluster’s east-west gateway:
# curl -D- http://istiod.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:15021/healthz/ready
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Thu, 06 Oct 2022 15:30:53 GMT
content-length: 0
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 0
server: envoy
If you are planning to deploy only one primary cluster (i.e., one of the Primary-Remote installations, below), you will only have a single CA (i.e., istiod on cluster1 ) issuing certificates for both clusters. In that case, you can skip the following CA certificate generation step and simply use the default self-signed CA for the installation.
It seems like the multicluster tutorial is missing one essential piece of information: the configuration of the remote also needs to include multicluster.clusterName.
After performing the following change to the configuration of my remote(s), the istiod Service does acquire a clusterIP, and sidecar injection starts working as expected:
$ kubectl -n istio-system get service/istiod
istiod ClusterIP <none> 15012/TCP,443/TCP 4m5s
$ kubectl -n sample describe replicaset/helloworld-v1-fdb8c8c58
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal SuccessfulCreate 4m24s replicaset-controller Created pod: helloworld-v1-fdb8c8c58-vmpq8