Istiod 1.7.8 trying to work on the `istio-ingressgateway` service even when the gateway is disabled

Hi, i am upgrading istiod on my clusters and just did the first 1.6 -> 1.7

I do not run the default ingressgateway since i run a couple of custom ones and so we disable the default one in the istiooperator resource like

    - enabled: false        
      name: istio-ingressgateway
      namespace: istio-system

which is indeed preventing the default one to be created, but now the logs of istiod are full of
Work item handle failed (service "istio-ingressgateway" not found), retry after delay 1s … way more then 1 a second

I checked my test 1.9.1 and i see no issue there. Is there something i can do to stop 1.7.8 look for this service that does not exist ?

To anyone else looking for an answer to this issue, we simply killed our istiod pod and the new one stopped complaining. Looks like something’s cached somewhere, and when we disabled the default istio-ingressgateway, it was still looking for it and freaked out on not finding it.

Killing the pod probably cleared the cache.