Kaili integration with Garafana URL Istio 1.14.1 is not working

Folks - I have deployed Istio 1.14.1 with prometheus, Grafana and Kiali. The Grafana and Kiali dashboard works fine. I have followed the steps from here (Try Istio, Kiali, Grafana, and Jaeger using Amazon EKS! - DEV Community).

Now I want to insert Grafana URL in Kiali dashboard.

  1. I have update Kiali configmap
    enabled: true
    url: http://grafana.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:3000

  2. There is no error on Kiali dashboard. But I could not see Grafana URLs in Graph/Inbound traffic

  3. When I exec to Kiali container and curl to Grafana url (http://grafana.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:3000) it is working.

  4. I could not see any error in Kiali pod logs

Any pointer to solve this issue is appreciated…

I think you want to set in_cluster_url as opposed to the external url. See here.

Thanks @jshaughn. I updated as follows but no luck …
enabled: true
in_cluster_url: http://grafana.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:3000
url: http://grafana.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:3000

The configmap is showing correctly. This is kiali version : “Quay

Do you know where exactly I need to see grafana url in Kiali dashboard ?
I this messaging system does not allow to attach screenshot…

I think for the Grafana links you need to go to a Detail page (like a specific Workload) and then in the Inbound or Outbound Metrics tab you’d see links. If you can’t solve the issue I’d suggest asking this same question in the #kiali channel of Istio Slack.