Kiali not working: Empty graph

Hello everyone,

I am trying to deploy Kiali to a Kubernetes cluster that already has Istio installed. When I try the graphs in the Kiali UI, I only get “Empty graph”, despite traffic clearly flowing through my apps.

Istio is installed in the istio-system namespace, Kiali in the observability namespace. I am using the kiali-server helm chart with the following values:

istio_namespace: istio-system

  strategy: anonymous

  ingress_enabled: false
  service_type: NodePort
  node_port: 30002

    url: http://prometheus-server.observability:80
    url: http://grafana.observability:80
    url: http://jaeger-query.observability:16686

Any idea?

First step is to look at the Kiali pod logs - look for any errors or warnings that look suspicious.

You will also want to ensure that Prometheus server is successfully scraping the Istio mesh applications and collecting telemetry. See this for more: Kiali: Service mesh observability and configuration

Hi @jmazzitelli ,

I did have a look but didn’t see any error. There are warnings, though:

2021-04-14T07:08:41Z INF Kiali: Version: v1.32.0, Commit: 166ffcc9edfc6fdd8c6ce8e74eb5670414b949f5

2021-04-14T07:08:41Z INF Using authentication strategy [anonymous]
2021-04-14T07:08:41Z WRN Kiali auth strategy is configured for anonymous access - users will not be authenticated.
2021-04-14T07:08:41Z INF Kiali: Console version: 1.32.0
2021-04-14T07:08:41Z INF Updating base URL in index.html with [/kiali]
2021-04-14T07:08:41Z INF Generating env.js from config
2021-04-14T07:08:41Z INF Server endpoint will start at [:20001/kiali]
2021-04-14T07:08:41Z INF Server endpoint will serve static content from [/opt/kiali/console]
2021-04-14T07:08:41Z INF Starting Metrics Server on [:9090]
2021-04-14T07:10:29Z INF [Prom Cache] Enabled
2021-04-14T07:10:29Z INF Kiali Cache is active for namespaces [.*]
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z INF Waiting for Kiali cache for [namespace: istio-system] to sync
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Kiali has not [istio-system] namespace cached. It is required to fetch Istio Status correctly
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z INF Kiali cache for [namespace: istio-system] started
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z INF Waiting for Kiali cache for [namespace: observability] to sync
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z INF Kiali cache for [namespace: observability] started
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z INF Waiting for Kiali cache for [namespace: default] to sync
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z INF Kiali cache for [namespace: default] started
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:45Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:45Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:45Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:45Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:45Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:45Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:45Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:45Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:45Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:10:45Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:00Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:00Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:00Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:00Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:00Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:00Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:00Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:00Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:00Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:00Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:15Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:15Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:15Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:15Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:15Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:15Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:15Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:15Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:15Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:15Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit

@jmazzitelli In Prometheus, I can see a lot of metrics starting with istio_*. Which metrics should I look for in particular?

Thanks for your help!

@jmazzitelli I went through the link you provided me with, and I can see that Prometheus is showing up the metrics Kiali is interested in, as far as I can tell.

Could it be because Kiali can’t connect to Prometheus?

@jmazzitelli I just checked and Kiali can connect to Prometheus:

$ k -n observability exec -it kiali-86f457bcf9-hsrzf -c kiali -- curl -v http://prometheus-server.observability:80
* Rebuilt URL to: http://prometheus-server.observability:80/
*   Trying
* Connected to prometheus-server.observability ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: prometheus-server.observability
> User-Agent: curl/7.61.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< location: /graph
< date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 09:27:56 GMT
< content-length: 29
< x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 1
< server: envoy
<a href="/graph">Found</a>.

* Connection #0 to host prometheus-server.observability left intact

I tried to move Prometheus, Jaeger, Kiali and Grafana into the istio-system namespace, and that didn’t make any difference. Kiali is still showing me “Empty graph”.

@lucas.ponce @jshaughn Do you know what these errors in the logs mean? Would this affect the ability of Kiali to generate the graph ? I’ve never seen these warnings before:

2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload prometheus-node-exporter of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit
2021-04-14T07:11:30Z WRN Workload promtail of type DaemonSet has not a ReplicaSet as a child controller, it may need a revisit

DaemonSet didn’t have a good support in Kiali as controllers but we have recently fix that in upstream.

That warning in the context of Kiali means that there are Pods without a known controller (on this case DaemonSet).

That was an edge case in the early versions of Kiali that we hope it’s fixed now.

If you are not seeing a Kiali graph it is because Kiali is finding no telemetry. This can happen if:

  • Kiali is connecting to the wrong prometheus.
  • Istio is not scraping telemetry to prometheus.
  • You have selected incorrect namespaces.
  • There is no telemetry for your selected time period.

That last one catches people, if you are looking at say the last N minute of telemetry, and you have not generated traffic in last N minutes, you will have nothing for the graph.

This is an excellent, pithy checklist that should go in FAQ :wink: