Hi, I am working on Istio 1.0.5 and following this link/doc to access the Kiali dashboard
using a gateway. Using the Insecure access (HTTP) YAML's
I am able to access Grafana, Prometheus and Tracing
using ClusterIP:nodePort
But the Kiali endpoint gives an error,
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers
Command kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
shows below ports,
I can access Grafana at http://33.33.333.33:31312
, Prometheus at http://33.33.333.33:31311
, Tracing at http://33.33.333.33:31313
Kiali is mapped to 15029:31314/TCP
and is not accessible on http://33.33.333.33:31314
I am able to access Kiali on the Openshift HTTPS route without any issue.
I am using Openshift v3.9,
oc v3.9.0+191fece kubernetes v1.9.1+a0ce1bc657 Istio - Version: 1.0.5 GitRevision: c1707e45e71c75d74bf3a5dec8c7086f32f32fad GolangVersion: go1.10.4
Note - I understand I am running v1.0.5 and referring to v1.4.0 documentation. But I made the required port changes in the istio-ingressgateway service yaml
by which tracing is working but kiali isn’t,
- name: http2
nodePort: 31380
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
- name: https
nodePort: 31390
port: 443
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 443
- name: tcp
nodePort: 31400
port: 31400
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 31400
- name: tcp-pilot-grpc-tls
nodePort: 30716
port: 15011
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 15011
- name: tcp-citadel-grpc-tls
nodePort: 32087
port: 8060
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8060
- name: tcp-dns-tls
nodePort: 30887
port: 853
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 853
- name: http2-prometheus
nodePort: 31311
port: 15030
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 15030
- name: http2-grafana
nodePort: 31312
port: 15031
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 15031
- name: http2-tracing
nodePort: 31313
port: 15032
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 15032
- name: http2-kiali
nodePort: 31314
port: 15029
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 15029